Headaches, Migraines & Chiropractic Neck Adjustment

Dr. Echols is a Chiropractor in Austin, Texas. In this video he discusses how misalignment of the spine in the neck can cause occasional headaches and sometimes migraine headaches. By using safe and simple chiropractic adjustments, these bones can be put back into alignment, easing pressure on the neck and help with headache and even the pain from chronic migraines.

[youtube title=”Headaches, Migraines & Chiropractic Neck Adjustment” video=”https://youtu.be/0C1BNKM28ek” autohide=”2″ color=”red” controls=”1″ allowfullscreen=”1″ iv_load_policy=”3″ modestbranding=”1″ theme=”dark” quality=”default” button_layout=”default” button_theme=”default” button_subscriber_count=”default”]

Here’s another video dealing with migraines and their treatment using chiropractic adjustments. This patient in the video presented to Kent Chiro-Med Wellness Clinic with severe migraine headaches over the past 5 years . After careful examination to rule out red flags, it turns out to be that the reason for her headaches stem from her neck allignment. Dr. Maryam (chiropractor) explains in this video how she treated her patient’s headache and optimized her spine’s health as well!

[youtube video=”https://youtu.be/357-vOqGCiI” autohide=”2″ color=”red” controls=”1″ allowfullscreen=”1″ iv_load_policy=”3″ modestbranding=”1″ theme=”dark” quality=”default” button_layout=”default” button_theme=”default” button_subscriber_count=”default”]